St Peter's Church
Church of England
Rector : Revd Philip Albrow 01823 480273
Churchwarden : Jan Allen 01460 57702
Correspondent: Roger Allen 01460 57702
St Peter's Church, Horton will be open every day from 10.00am - 4.00pm for private
prayer. Please sanitise your hands before entering the Church
Sunday 25th August Holy Communion at 9.30am
Sunday 1st September Evensong at 3.00pm
Sunday 8th September No Service at St Peter's
Sunday 15th September Family Praise - Activities 10.30am Service 11.00am
Sunday 22nd September Holy Communion at 9.30am
Sunday 29th September No Service at St Peter's - Service at Hambridge
Sunday 6th October United Harvest Service at 3.00pm followed by tea & cake
Ilminster & Broadway Hill Methodist Church
Sunday 25th August 10.30am for 11.00am - Holy Communion
Sunday 1st September 10.30am for 11.00am - Morning Worship
Horton and Broadway Youth Club Sunday 6.30pm - 8.00pm
Chattabox - every Thursday 10.30am - 12noon
Revd. Andrew Longshaw 01460 76754 or Sue Parsons 01460 54581 07771 952 799